:Base CADPATH.HLP :Title CADPath Help 1 Introduction 2 Organization of This User’s Guide=Organization_of_This_User_s_Guide 2 System Requirements=System_Requirements 2 Installing CADPath=Installing_CADPath 2 Launching CADPath from MeasureMax Teaching Shell=Launching_CADPath_from_MeasureMax_Teaching_Shell 1 Graphics User Interface 2 Graphics User Interface=Graphics_User_Interface 2 The Menus=The_Menus 2 The Tool Bar=The_Tool_Bar 2 The Control Box=The_Control_Box 2 The Active Entity Bar=The_Active_Entity_Bar 2 The Scroll Bars=The_Scroll_Bars 2 The Status Bar=The_Status_Bar 1 Document, View and Related Operations 2 Document, View and Related Operations=Document__View_and_Related_Operations 2 Multiple Views of a Document=Multiple_Views_of_a_Document 2 Document Data=Document_Data 2 Working Unit of a Document=Working_Unit_of_a_Document 2 File Types and Operations=File_Types_and_Operations 2 View Operations=View_Operations 1 Probe Configuration 2 Introduction=Probe_Configuration 2 Probe Dimension Dialog 3 Probe Dimension Dialog=HIDD_PROBE_DIMENSTION 3 Setup the Probe Configuration Unit=Setup_the_Probe_Configuration_Unit 3 Setup the Probe Dimension=Setup_the_Probe_Dimension 3 Setup the Visible Flag of the Probe=Setup_the_Visible_Flag_of_the_Probe 3 Setup the Approach Distance and the Table Level for Inspection Path Planning=Setup_the_Approach_Distance_and_the_Table_Level_for_Inspection_Path_Planning 3 Setup the Clearance Angle=Setup_the_Clearance_Angle 2 Probe Tip Selection Interval Dialog 3 Setup the Probe Tip Selection Interval=Setup_the_Probe_Tip_Selection_Interval 3 Export the Tip Calibration File=Export_the_Tip_Calibration_File 1 Operation for Inspection Points 2 Operation for Inspection Points=Operation_for_Inspection_Points 2 Inspection Point Generation 3 Point=Point 3 2D geometry=2D_geometry 3 3D geometry=3D_geometry 3 Mouse pick=Mouse_pick 3 Projection=Projection 3 Import=Import 2 Inspection Points Modifications 3 Inspection Points Modifications=Inspection_Points_Modifications 3 Move Points=Move_Points 3 Delete Points=Delete_Points 3 Flip Normal=Flip_Normal 3 Delete Inspection Point Cloud=Delete_Inspection_Point_Cloud 2 Edit Properties 3 Edit Properties=Edit_Properties 2 The Structure of CADPath Exported Part Program=The_Structure_of_CADPath_Exported_Part_Program 1 Alignments 2 Alignments=Alignments 2 Part Coordinate System (P.C.S.) and Machine Coordinate System (M.C.S.)=Part_Coordinate_System__P.C.S.__and_Machine_Coordinate_System__M.C.S._ 2 Alignment through Reference Frame=Alignment_through_Reference_Frame 2 Operations for Reference Frame 3 Construct Reference Frame=Construct_Reference_Frame 3 Modify Reference Frame=Modify_Reference_Frame 3 Modify CMM Path Dialog=Modify_CMM_Path_Dialog 3 Recall Reference Frame=Recall_Reference_Frame 3 Delete Reference Frame=Delete_Reference_Frame 2 CAD Alignment 3 CAD Alignment=CAD_Alignment 3 Create Reference Points for CAD Alignment=Create_Reference_Points_for_CAD_Alignment 3 Take Points On-Line=Take_Points_On_Line 3 CAD Alignment=CAD_Alignment___Alignment_through_Measurement_Points 1 CMM Path 2 CMM Path=CMM_Path 2 Create CMM Path=Create_CMM_Path 2 Playback CMM Path=Playback_CMM_Path 2 Modify CMM Path=Modify_CMM_PathA 2 Verify CMM Path=Verify_CMM_Path 2 Export CMM Path to a Part Program=Export_CMM_Path_to_a_Part_Program 2 Export Selected Tips to a Tip File=Export_Selected_Tips_to_a_Tip_File 2 Clear CMM Path=Clear_CMM_Path